Okanogan Dental Clinic
626 2nd Avenue South
Okanogan, WA - 98840
(509) 422-6705
Okanogan, WA - 98840
(509) 422-6705
About Okanogan Dental Clinic
Dental Services:
Regular checkups
Root canal therapy
For patients with household income at or below 100% of the federal poverty level, a $35 nominal charge is paid at check in. With the exception of supplies (dentures, bridges, and etc.) this is the only amount you will pay for the visit. If your household income is above 100% of the federal poverty level, $35 is paid at check in and the remaining balance for the visit will be collected at check out.
Family Health Centers (FHC) has established a program that reduces fees charged to patients based on their income and household size.
Monday - Saturday, call for hours.