Rose State College Dental Hygiene Clinic
Midwest City, OK - 73110
(405) 733-7336
About Rose State College Dental Hygiene Clinic
Operates a dental hygiene clinic for the community as part of dental hygiene and dental assisting students. Provides dental cleaning and check-ups as well as preventive and maintenance education. When faxing, indicate Allied Dental Programs on the fax.
Hours: Call for days & hours. The clinic is operated according to the academic calendar of Rose State College. Appointment times are limited.
Intake procedure: Call for appointment for screening. Appointments are limited. Must complete an application that requires a thorough health history at screening. Services available September - April.
Fees: Screening free. $5 charge for cleaning. $5 charge for children (cleaning, exam, & fluoride treatment). Sealants are free; x-rays are $2-$15 ($10 mailing fee) (as needed/prescribed by dentist).
Eligibility: Screening required for ages 13 and up for determination of patient eligibility. Children ages 3-12 ONLY, do not require a screening.